for someone who has to be on the road as much as someone does 意味

  • (人)のように頻繁{ひんぱん}に出歩かなければならない[旅しなければならない]人にとって



  1. "for some words, such as helicopter, it is hard to think of a connotative meaning" 意味
  2. "for some years" 意味
  3. "for some years ahead" 意味
  4. "for some years past" 意味
  5. "for someone as an individual" 意味
  6. "for someone who has to travel as much as someone does" 意味
  7. "for someone's account" 意味
  8. "for someone's account and risk" 意味
  9. "for someone's agency as a guide" 意味
  10. "for some years past" 意味
  11. "for someone as an individual" 意味
  12. "for someone who has to travel as much as someone does" 意味
  13. "for someone's account" 意味

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